Sunday, September 2, 2012


Sometime during the summer, one of the interns at my work gave me two vouchers for free circus tickets.  I wasn't sure if we would get around to using them (and almost forgot about them on my desk).  When they resurfaced on the ol' desk, I decided that perhaps Harper and I would go since I didn't have the big girls that weekend.  We had a great time!  I'm not sure if Harper really "got" all of it, but the lights and acrobats were a huge hit!  We had great seats, especially since they were free tickets.  No complaints and it was great morning.
Here are some pics from my phone (which is not a smart phone and has a pretty yucky camera!).

Can you tell that the elephants were her favorite?  She saw them on the screen just now and reminded me that they are BIG!
The Circus has changed quite a bit since I went before.  There were no trapeze things done--that was my favorite part!.  The part with the animals was somewhat interesting to me, but to Harper?  Not so much.  It is not impressive to her that you can get a tiger to lay down and roll over.  It's also not impressive to her that you are a strong man, can lift a telephone pole, and can lift that same telephone phone pole with a lady sitting on each end.  She could have cared less about those parts!  Ha!  All in all, a fun time with my Harpie!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! They had the trapeze and tight rope when we went last year. It was in Dallas though perhaps they don't have room for that in Ft. Worth?
